Category: News

23 March 2022

What Are Veneers?

When chips or cracks or discolouration plague our teeth, veneer treatments can be used to enhance the overall symmetry and visual appeal of a smile. Dental veneers are made from a
28 February 2022

What Is Teeth Whitening Treament All About?

It just so happens that, due to no fault of our own, our teeth become stained and yellow in colour. Food consumption, drinking red wine or coffee or smoking cigarettes can
13 September 2021

What is a Root Canal Treatment?

The aim of root canal treatment is to save a tooth which has been damaged extensively due to decay or injury. Doing a root canal treatment (also called “endodontic treatment”) saves
1 September 2021

What is Dry Mouth?

Dry mouth is a common yet complex condition which can affect oral health and quality of life. Whilst some individuals only experience mild discomfort as a result of reduced salivary flow,
13 July 2021

What is Tooth Sensitivity?

If you are one of those people who cringe at the thought of eating an ice cream or sipping a cup of coffee, rest assured you are not alone. Tooth sensitivity
23 June 2021

Promotion: Discount Price for General Check-Up and Clean

Rose Dental is opening its doors to the public soon: in July, 2021. As soon as construction of the clinic is complete, our Five Dock dentist will be available to take