Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment (RCT) or endodontic treatment, is to preserve and save a tooth that has been severely damaged due to decay, infection, disease, or injury. RCTs are performed when infection has spread to the root of the tooth.

Treatment of an infected root canal is the alternative to extractions as dentists prefer to save the original tooth rather than replace it with an artificial tooth. This is typically due to many reasons; however, the main concern is that our original teeth are stronger and more efficient for chewing and biting. Additionally, cleaning a natural tooth is also easier!

Individuals who require a root canal treatment will typically experience the following symptoms:

  • Spontaneous throbbing pain
  • Sensitivity to hot and/or cold beverages
  • Discolouration of teeth
  • Abscesses
  • Swelling in the gums surrounding the infected tooth

Not all teeth requiring a RCT are painful. On many occasions, a tooth may be dead or necrotic (death of pulp tissue) – a dead tooth cannot cause pain. However, if left untreated, infection or lesions may develop around the tooth root indicating signs of a dead infected tooth.

Root Canal Treatment Procedure

What should I expect during a Root Canal Treatment session?

During your appointment at Rose Dental, our dentist will make a diagnosis. Our dentist will listen to your concerns thoroughly, taking note of all the symptoms you are experiencing. A radiograph, or an x-ray will be taken to view the roots and the surrounding tissues located within the jawbone and what the eye cannot see – the root of the problem!

Our dentist will then inspect the images to locate signs of inflammation or infection. Once they have made the final diagnosis, they will explain the procedure in full detail before beginning treatment and will address all concerns.

Since the infection is located throughout the inner part of the tooth, it will need to be disinfected and thoroughly cleaned – the damaged pulp will need to be removed as well as thorough cleaning of the root canals.

You will receive a local anaesthetic to ensure there is no pain or discomfort. A latex sheet known as a rubber dam, is placed over the mouth, isolating the tooth of concern from saliva and keep the area dry during the procedure.

To reach the infected pulp, our dentist will create an opening at the occlusal (top) surface of the tooth using several dental instruments. Our dentist will remove the infected pulp and will clean your root canals using antibacterial and anti-inflammatory medicines to stop the inflammation/infection.

Note: If there are signs of an abscess, your dentist may prescribe you with oral antibiotics to get rid of it.

An RCT will require several visits, our dentist will place temporary fillings inside the tooth to protect the area in-between visits.

Once the infected pulp has been removed and the canals have been reshaped and cleaned, the tooth can now survive by being nourished with the surrounding tissues. Our dentist will seal off the root canals to protect the inside of the tooth and mitigate future risks.

Note: Any damage to the tissue surrounding the root will take time to completely heal. We recommend getting follow-up appointments so that our dentist may monitor the healing process by getting more x-rays after the completion of the RCT.

Our dentist will then recommend a crown or cap to further strengthen the tooth’s integrity and restore normal function.

If you feel you need a Root Canal Treatment, it is crucial to get an examination by your dentist as soon as possible to prevent the spread of infection.

If you have any further questions or concerns regarding RCT, you can give our lovely receptionist a call on (02) 8056 1445 or book an appointment online for a consultation with one of our dentists.

Rose Dental is conveniently located in Five Dock, with appointments available Monday-Saturday.